Oral Cancer Screening

At Eva Boldridge, DMD, PA, we prioritize your health with comprehensive oral cancer screenings. Our screenings are designed to detect early signs of oral cancer, providing crucial early intervention.

Prioritize Your Health – Schedule Your Oral Cancer Screening.

Concerned About Oral Health? Talk to Us for Expert Guidance.

The Importance of Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer screenings are vital for early detection. Early stages of oral cancer may not show symptoms, making regular screenings key to identifying potential issues before they develop into serious conditions.

Oral Cancer Screening

What Happens During an Oral Cancer Screening?

Our screening process is non-invasive and quick. It includes a visual inspection of your mouth, face, neck, and throat, as well as a physical examination to check for lumps or irregular tissue changes in these areas.

Oral Cancer Screening

Advanced Screening Technologies

We use the latest technology in oral cancer screening to enhance the accuracy of our examinations. This includes specialized lighting and digital imaging tools to detect abnormalities not visible to the naked eye.

Oral Cancer Screening

When Should You Get Screened?

We recommend regular screenings for all our patients, especially if you're at higher risk due to factors like tobacco use, heavy alcohol consumption, or a history of oral cancer.

Oral Cancer Screening

Our Commitment to Your Health

Your health is our utmost priority. Our experienced team ensures a comfortable and thorough screening process, providing you with the best care and peace of mind.